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Book Information

This book is for use by federal sector equal employment opportunity (EEO) professionals, including EEO specialists, EEO Directors, or agency attorneys, who carry out the mandates of the federal sector EEO program related to the formal EEO complaint process. For both the agency and the complainant, the first critical step in the formal EEO complaint process is the agency's decision whether to accept and investigate the discrimination issues identified during informal counseling and in the formal EEO complaint. An equally important step is the agency's identification and analysis of EEO issues that it prepares to dismiss, in whole or part. These key agency decisions are communicated to the complainant through an agency letter of acceptance (LOA) or an agency dismissal.

The underlying assumption of this book is that an analytical framework is essential for a full understanding of the varied requirements and complexities in drafting LOAs and dismissals. The goal of this book is to help you develop a workable, analytical framework that includes a review of all key procedural and substantive standards for preparing timely and complete LOAs, and defensible dismissals. Your use of this book will enable you to preserve the rights of all parties during the formal EEO complaint process, while maintaining your commitment to the underlying integrity of the EEO complaint process.